Speak and Shine ESL Fun Classes for Kids

Imagine a universe where kids could learn English the same way that they love video games. You must be dreaming, right? Speak & Shine has a warm welcome for you. English Brightly Reading isn’t just a class here. It’s a journey. Don’t worry about tedious vocabulary lists or boring grammar drills. This is a fun and interactive class that keeps kids on the edge.

Imagine a classroom where children are laughing and playing games to learn new words. Learning while having a good time is what they do. That’s what makes our approach so special.

You may wonder how we can do such a thing. It’s important to change things up, and stay fresh. Then, there’s the role-playing of detectives who solve mysteries while using English. The key to avoiding boredom is variety.

Timmy for example. He was shy and reluctant at first. But, throw him into our storytelling sessions and you’ll see a completely different person. Timmy, for example, doesn’t just study English. He lives it.

Parents are often shocked when their children begin using phrases from school at home. It’s common to hear kids ask, “Mom…can I have more cookies?” The native language is not spoken, but perfect English. The moment they get hooked, you know it!

Talk about teachers, our secret sauce. These teachers are not the average educators; they’re entertainers and they love what their do. They bring lessons to live with puppets or songs and sometimes costumes. Imagine Shakespeare teaching about adjectives in superhero costumes.

We understand that children learn differently. Some children are visual learner who love colorful flashcards and video; others like listening exercises or hand-on activities. We offer classes that cater to each of these learning styles.

In addition to encouraging you along the journey, we will also give you plenty of stickers! Celebrate your small victories to keep the motivation going. And who does not love stickers?

Let’s admit it: not everything goes according the plan all the time (and that is a good thing!). There are times when chaos is caused by someone spilling juice at snack-time or forgetting their lines during a skit-practice. But those moments later become hilarious stories.

Why Speak & Shine? Simple: Speak & Shine creates an environment where mistakes don’t get frowned upon and are seen as steppingstones to improvement.